Friday, September 16, 2011

Production Process (Pro)

(1.) Discovery-
Define project: Purpose, audience, timetable, preliminary budget range, approval process, anticipated distribution (alternatives to VHS), preliminary creative direction, packaging, animation and graphics.

(2.) Budget-
Detail cost estimates by 1) Creative, 2) Pre-Production, 3) Production, and 4) Distribution.

(3.) Creative-
Creative brief development, structured brainstorming, script treatment, storyboards, final script, rewrites.

(4.) Pre-Production-
Meetings with director, producer, shooter and/or editor to plan production specifics: Pre-shoot/pre-edit checklists, talent, crew, lighting, props, graphics, shooting and editing, travel, approval process/copies, package design, distribution.

(5.) Production-
Direct and shoot video, record audio, create graphics, produce and edit content, design packaging.

(6.) Distribution-
On-air, projection, digital encoding, web video, VHS, DVD authoring, duplication/replication to DVD, DVD on CD, CD-ROM, shipping/delivery.

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